Monday, October 16, 2006

Link Marketing Solutions
Copyright © Obinna Heche

Are you getting started in a network marketing program? One of the most frequently asked questions about affiliate marketing is what is an effective marketing link program. For an affiliate to ask this type of question it means that they have realized a particular key and very important requirement for the success of their affiliate program.

It does not matter what affiliate program you are talking about or thinking about, the same remains true. Without link generated traffic, your network marketing business will fail. One of the fastest and most efficient ways to gain traffic is to use links. This holds true for both short term, medium term and long term businesses. There is no more effective traffic generation tool than good links.

The short term links will get your affiliate blog traffic up as you climb in the search engine ranking. When you are talking about the medium term, you will get a lot of traffic coming your way from those search engines because the links will have your website listed higher up in their rankings. In the long run, you will be getting a whole lot of traffic from your position in the search engine ranks.

You can find a lot of affiliate link programs on the internet. Some will cost you some money while others may be free. Either way, you will have to work at it. No matter how you look at it, the majority of all the successful, top high earning affiliates are involved in some kind of affiliate linking programs.

You will most likely have to create at the very least 200 reciprocal links in order for your website to be considered important enough to appear in the top listings of the major search engines. Get 1000s Of Links Back To Your Website
However, it is not a very good idea to place all the reciprocal links on one page. One disadvantage to doing this is that if a webmaster sees a lot of links on single page, they will not accept reciprocal links requests from you. You will want to create a structure of pages where the links will be placed. You will need to make a new page for each theme, similar to the theme of your website.

You will also need to make one or more web pages for links to websites that contain different themes. Then you will need to create a web page that will link to each of these pages known as links index or directory page. Lastly, in your links index or directory page, you will want to place the title of your home page, the description and your home page URL. A webmaster will use this information to place your link in their links page too.

Obinna Heche: Los Angeles- California

Delivering the best home based business ideas,
opportunities and resources so you can work at home successfully..

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